

Hi! @@

Oh God!! Oh God!! >.<

I loved everything about this movie! 8)

But the thing I loved the most, and I didn’t expect it, was the ending! XD

It was so new, so fresh, strange, breathe taking… and most importantly.. fitting! It was not like the typical “everything went fine, let’s go home”… It also added a new element of stylish fiction to the fantasy world of mirrors.

… near the end, probably at 89% of its runtime, I leaned toward my brother, and whispered: “I give it 10 out of 10”!!!

But soon after I saw the striking ending, it went straight to become one of my all time favorites! You see, my top three favorite movies (all Horror - Thriller) are: ‘War of the Worlds’, ‘The Ring’ and ‘Silent Hill’…

After the movie when my friend left us, my brother and I, while driving home, went through our follow-up discussion session, where I told him why I loved ‘Mirrors’. It have been a while since the thrill of ‘The Ring’, yes, I have seen nearly every thriller - horror movie out there that have been released in the theaters. But none of them all came close to ‘The Ring’. I have seen other remakes of Asian Horror flicks, like ‘The Grudge’, ‘The Eye’ and many others + American ones, with the little bit scary ‘Dead Silence’, and ‘The Ruins’ being very creative, but none of them pushed me over the edge. However, as I was speaking to my brother, near the end of ‘Mirrors’, I knew that this is going to rise close to ‘The Ring’, but after that neat ending? It surpassed it!! @>@/

Yep! Yep! It is now one of my all time favorites!! Actually, it made my “Top Three” into a “Top Four”!! =.=”

Surprisingly, I just discovered that it was a remake of a Korean film… amazing... @.@"

Now, I wish that Hollywood writers take in the footsteps of their creative Asian counterparts, and produce more horror gems that have scare, thrill and style to them… and become really worthy of becoming a strong and meaningful part of our horror collections.


At 5:50 am, Blogger Kholood Fantasy said...

أول شي ما كنت أعرف ان لك مدونة على النت ^^
مبروك شكلها حلو والله

صار لي فترة ما رحت السينما عندنا في الدوحة.. الصراحة الواحد ما عاد يي في خاطره انه يدخلها من الناس القرف والاشكال الغلط اللي تدخلها
استغرب من اللي يدفعون فلوس علشان يقعدون يسولفون في السينما مب يجوفون الفيلم
لكن باحاول اني انزله من النت اول ما تنزل نسخة واضحة واجوفه ^^ انا جفت الدعاية وحسيته حلو لكن خفت يكون مثل اغلب افلام الرعب اللي تجوف دعايتها حلوة لكن بعد ما تجوف الفيلم تلقاه وايد ممل =_= ولا يخوف ولاشي..

جفت Dark knight والا لين الحين؟؟ تراه وايد حلو لايفوتك.. عاد هالفيلم حلاته في السينما اذا لين الحين ينعرض عندكم لا تفوته.. ^^

At 11:22 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yooo , its Yukio Ninagawa
how is you ?
... what about Blood diamond , i suggest you watch it right away .. it is an awesome and amazing movie made


At 9:33 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

تقبل الله منكم يا بو عامر .. وجعله الله حجاً مقبولاً وسعياً مشكوراً وذنباً مغفوراً.. .مثل هذه الفرصة الغالية المأجورة لا تعوض.. .فـ لربما ماطلت بها أعوام قادمه لو لم تعزم عليها سريعاً هذا العام.. الحمدلله الذي مـَـن عليك بها ^_^


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